To Purchase tickets using a credit card, please use the button below, please note lots of finance teams have credit cards so please do check with your finance team.
However if you need to pay by invoice, please click the link here to submit your Purchase Order, once we receive your PO we will generate an invoice, after this is paid we will send you a code to receive your tickets. The ticket buying process by invoice is explained here.
For any other queries please email
Welcome Event
18:45 Reception
19:15 Welcome to Essex
Drinks and Buffet
23:00 Event Close
Conference Day 1
08:00 Registration
09:00 Conference Opening & Welcome
09:15 Local Policing
09:30 Criminal Justice
09:45 Ministerial Address
10:15 Keynote speaker
10:45 Break
11:15 Panel Discussion on oversight of police powers
12:10 Keynote speaker
13:40 Keynote Address
14:30 American Police Reform
15:25 Panel discussion on reform
Gala Dinner
18:30 Doors
01:00 Carriages
Conference Day 2
09:30 Conference Opening
09:35 Welcome Messages
09:45 Workshop One
11:10 Workshop Two
12:10 Panel Discussion
13:10 Summary and Closing Remarks
13:30 Lunch and Networking
Conference Close
DAY 2 - 17.10.24
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Our 2024 Partners
Sponsorship Opportunities
The conference provides a host of strategic benefits for those organisations committed to inclusiveness and dealing effectively with issues of: Race, Gender, Diversity, Policing, Justice, Equalities, Community Cohesion and Community Engagement.
The NBPA conference provides an ideal opportunity for partners to increase awareness of their organisation to decision-makers and opinion formers, including senior representatives from 43 UK police forces, the home office, senior government officials, local dignitaries and partners. For more details email our events team on